Most precision vises come with key slots on the underside machined exactly parallel to the fixed jaw. Key
slots, Figure 3-15, can be a great time saver. Properly
installed they allow the vise to be removed and replaced
routinely, accurately enough for general machining without the need for indicating every time.

Most 4” vises have either 14 mm or 16 mm slots, callingfor shop-made T-shape adapter keys as Figure 3-16. It
is well worth the effort to make these precisely.
Aim for a snug fit in both vise and table, but not so tight
that it takes more than reasonable effort to lift the vise
clear. The objective is allow the vise to be removed and
replaced routinely, accurately enough for general machining without the need for indicating every time.
Case hardening of the keys is recommended, with final
fitting using a fine stone or diamond stone.