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General Knowledge
What kind of oil does my machine use?
How do I clean off the gunk that's on my new machine's metal parts?
YouTube Videos, Channels we recommend
How do I connect 220VAC with 3 wires?
What kind of warranty does Precision Matthews offer?
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Lathe FAQs
How do I reduce surface defects from vibration?
Installing a BXA QCTP
Typo in the PM-1022/30 lathe Manual
Changing the belt on the PM-1022/30
Rollies Dads Leveling method
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Mill FAQs
The drawbar is too short for my machine (PM-25MV, PM-728VT)
What grease do I use for my Mill's spindle bearings?
My R8 Collets won't fit in the spindle
How do I use the blocks (vise keys) that came with my Milling Vise?
My new Power Feed isn't working
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Sales FAQs
How do I know if an item is in stock?
How long will it take to get my order?
Do you ever have sales?
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